• Журнал "Кузбасс XXI век" - дипломант и победитель самых престижных журналистских конкурсов.
  • Российская национальная премия "Золотой лотос" (2006 г., 2007 г.).
  • Журналистский конкурс "Патриот России" (2010 г.).
  • Победитель и призер межрегионального конкурса журналистского мастерства "Сибирь - территория надежд" (2008 г., 2009 г., 2010 г., 2011 г., 2014 г., 2015г., 2016г., 2017г.).
  • Премия Губернатора Кузбасса "Медиапрестиж - 2012" Сергееву Юрию Васильевичу.
  • Медаль "За веру и добро" - Сергееву Дмитрию Юрьевичу. (2019г.)
  • Почетный знак "Золотой знак "Кузбасс" - Сергееву Юрию Васильевичу. (2019 г.)
  • Лауреат премии Кузбасса — Сергеев Юрий Васильевич (1988, 2021)
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If the scan is positive, it will lead to other tests involving radiation. And the effects of radiation are cumulative. The guidelines, last updated in 2005, reflect new evidence about the effectiveness of treatment, especially when started early in the course of HIV infection. There is not enough evidence, however, to call it a true analgesic. It was used for arthritis, pain, and painful menstrual cycles. The FDA issued a public health advisory. HealthDay News Polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS is believed caused by a hormonal imbalance that affects the release of a womans egg each month. These measures were selected to give a general overview of agency performance on measures that apply to the most people. However, the test for chlamydia is costly and not generally available in developing countries. Provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists: a comparison across Europe. Sin embargo, en vista de que unos 40 millones de personas en todo el mundo toman el medicamento, de acuerdo con las estimaciones de la FDA, los consumidores no necesitan preocuparse demasiado por el riesgo, asegur el Dr. Its sensitivity to stage one cancers overall was 40. Decreasing the cost of prescription medications has always been a high priority, and the FY 2019 budget places an emphasis on doing that. This task force is working to develop a plan for the future practice of pharmacy in North Carolina. Plan to seek treatment if your diarrhea lasts more than three days, if you feel weak or lightheaded, have blood in your stool or you develop a high fever greater than 100.

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