• Журнал "Кузбасс XXI век" - дипломант и победитель самых престижных журналистских конкурсов.
  • Российская национальная премия "Золотой лотос" (2006 г., 2007 г.).
  • Журналистский конкурс "Патриот России" (2010 г.).
  • Победитель и призер межрегионального конкурса журналистского мастерства "Сибирь - территория надежд" (2008 г., 2009 г., 2010 г., 2011 г., 2014 г., 2015г., 2016г., 2017г.).
  • Премия Губернатора Кузбасса "Медиапрестиж - 2012" Сергееву Юрию Васильевичу.
  • Медаль "За веру и добро" - Сергееву Дмитрию Юрьевичу. (2019г.)
  • Почетный знак "Золотой знак "Кузбасс" - Сергееву Юрию Васильевичу. (2019 г.)
  • Лауреат премии Кузбасса — Сергеев Юрий Васильевич (1988, 2021)
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Republicans oppose any sort of expansion of government, and the overall zeitgeist in Congress is to slash, not increase funding except, of course, for the military. Estudio seala que H. pylori tambin podra proteger contra las alergias. Better Brew to Fight Prostate Cancer. Why did you decide to refurbish the store. Chemically, LDH works to convert pyruvate and lactate in your body. There are several OTC products you can take to help relieve symptoms. El riesgo de cncer de mama entre las mujeres ms obesas del estudio fue hasta un 58 por ciento ms alto que para las mujeres con un peso normal. If youre pregnant or think youre pregnant and you start passing clots, see your doctor as soon as possible or head to the emergency room because this may indicate that youre having a miscarriage or that your pregnancy is ectopic, meaning that the baby has started to grow outside of your uterus. Every surgery has risks including the different hysterectomy procedures. Although the association between the two needs to be investigated further, experts are advising women who are planning to have a baby to visit their dentist before actually conceiving. Most medicines do not fit these criteria. Liposomal sprays may be useful in circumstances where patients have reduced dexterity. Its use was turned down on economic grounds following a resubmission. El virus de la vacuna infecta las clulas e induce una respuesta inmunitaria, pero el virus no puede propagarse, seal en el comunicado de prensa James McGettigan, profesor asistente de microbiologa e inmunologa del Colegio Mdico Jefferson de esa universidad de Filadelfia.
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