• Журнал "Кузбасс XXI век" - дипломант и победитель самых престижных журналистских конкурсов.
  • Российская национальная премия "Золотой лотос" (2006 г., 2007 г.).
  • Журналистский конкурс "Патриот России" (2010 г.).
  • Победитель и призер межрегионального конкурса журналистского мастерства "Сибирь - территория надежд" (2008 г., 2009 г., 2010 г., 2011 г., 2014 г., 2015г., 2016г., 2017г.).
  • Премия Губернатора Кузбасса "Медиапрестиж - 2012" Сергееву Юрию Васильевичу.
  • Медаль "За веру и добро" - Сергееву Дмитрию Юрьевичу. (2019г.)
  • Почетный знак "Золотой знак "Кузбасс" - Сергееву Юрию Васильевичу. (2019 г.)
  • Лауреат премии Кузбасса — Сергеев Юрий Васильевич (1988, 2021)


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An as, los autores del estudio sealaron que la lactancia materna ofrece muchas ventajas, y que hay que seguir exhortando a las madres a amamantar a sus bebs. Several lifestyle practices may also help enhance your gum health. If you have a lot of brown spots, discuss total body photography with a dermatologist so your doctor can keep photographic records of your moles and watch closely for any changes. The guideline, which is directed at pharmacists and GPs working in England and Wales, recognises that for many people dyspepsia can by managed by selfcare with treatments and advice obtained from a pharmacist. All drugs have the potential for harmful side effects. Treatment options include lifestyle modification, pharmacologic agents, cardiac procedures, and cardiac rehabilitation. They concluded that women under 50 with breast cancer and a limited family structure less than two females age 45 or older on either side of the family were almost three times more likely to be BRCA carriers than women with adequate family structure. The majority occur in sunexposed skin, usually on the hands or face. The researchers also noted more admissions for bipolar disorder and fewer primary diagnoses of anxiety disorder. Like most desi girls, its clear that family ties are very important to her. Washington State DSHS , Supplemental Appendix,. Women taking anastrozole in the study, compared with those taking tamoxifen, had significant improvements in diseasefree survival and timetorecurrence. Because most chemotherapeutic agents kill off the tumor cells, but leave the stem cells unscathed, the cancers return and metastasize. Research, though, is limited.

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